Women Against Registry (W.A.R.) 8/24/21
We are all in this together so please take action as soon as possible and certainly before the program airs on KSTU-FOX 13 on August 26 in the evening!
We were contacted by a registered citizen in Salt Lake City Utah a few months back. He was being vilified by Fox13 television station due to a grievance a vengeful female had against the director for kicking her son out of the group which had nothing to do with him. He was there along with that director to assemble a prop for their program. He had not been under supervision for over two years but, he and his wife continued with the protocols to protect themselves. Matt Duhamel, The Unspoken Offender did a YouTube video with Jeremy at that time.
Click here to watch that video
I received a communication from Jeremy and called him. After all the drama and trauma he and his family moved to another area and a new school for his children. Now that same television station and reporter are running teasers all week to get the public to tune in Thursday night for a follow-up investigation. The television station is using the previously mandated protocol in this story as the reason for the upcoming piece, but Jeremy is ‘no longer’ on supervision and as we know is therefore not mandated to use the prior protocol. Therefore, there is no story there! Jeremy and his wife continued to use the protocol on their own to protect their family from slanderous and destructive stories like this one.
Click here to watch the destructive story
We are asking all members and supporters to stop what you are doing and call FOX 13 television station or email them and politely let them know you are a registrant family and support the Jeremy Rose family. If you have young folks who are aware of your family situation and can call the station with your supervision and tell them about your family experience that would be perfect.
WAR National Directors
Call the main KSTU-FOX 13 number: (801) 532-1300 then ask to speak with the news director, Mr. Sternfield.
Or email the News Tips, Story Ideas & Comments: news@fox13now.com
Or email Marc Sternfield – Sr. Director of News: marc.sternfield@fox13now.com
Email sent, this is really sad.
Okay. Will do! 👍🏻
I made a call
Now correct me if I’m wrong. But has anyone tried to go after these news outlets for defamation? Think about it the legislators created this as a person who commits a sex offense is someone who is to register will be sex offender registry. But to call someone a sex offender is saying that is who they are in this moment. Which we are not. We are just a person providing by the law who has to register on the registry. I think a news outlet calling someone like Jeremy a sex offender is a false statement about the person. He is a person who committed a sex offense in the past and has to register on the sex offender registry. But his identity is not a sex offender. Most judges agree that the name sex offender carries a Scarlet letter and has negative consequences. So publicly calling someone that for your own personal gain views and to make money on your news outlet while damaging this person’s reputation was trying to make it start with his family, seems borderline defamation to me. I don’t know, what do you guys think?